What makes LOBA a leading real estate agency?

January 1, 2023

Serving is the noblest attitude of any company, inside and outside of it. It is through such an agency that LOBA's customers, competitors, suppliers and consultants can feel connected, inspired, motivated and satisfied.

A leading company is not the one with the higher number of employees, or the largest market share, it is a company that, instead of copying the success formulas of those that already exist, writes its own history and guides others to a new path. It is an agency that creates a different way of being and doing things within the real estate industry, and which, through its vision and coherence, has a well-defined sense of direction.

How? Working with a focus on great principles, on quality service and never on competition or results.

LOBA's bright principles allow each member of the team to make decisions autonomously and prevent any decision being taken according to what is most convenient for them.

This integrity allows us to be totally flexible and adapt each response to what works best, following principles and not an established way of doing things. It's what allows us to reinvent ourselves and continually learn from experience, and it's what has made us an authority in the sector, above all in exclusive customer service.

We develop a capacity for self-observation of our integrity and effectiveness at all levels, individual and collective, open to new ideas and new and old challenges, and we refuse to align ourselves in competition and power games.

Hwyl, the great principles of LOBA:

1.We prioritize our integrity in any decision.

2. We do not subvert the Vision or a Principle in favor of greater performance, money, or any material or relational advantage.

3. All our services are of high quality and are based on a structure of knowledge and strong commitment to clients. Otherwise, we do not provide them.

4. We seek to transform all our customers into active and positive recommenders of our services.

5. We prioritize effective communication over the need to be right.

6. What we do has high quality and adds value. Otherwise, we don't do it.

7. Our business model, partnerships and mediation follow the principle of “win-win” for all involved, or nothing.

8. We put cooperation and collaboration above our gains and we do not harm players or competitors.

9. We assume responsibility and accountability for the consequences of our actions and, without blaming anyone, we just try to ensure that an error is not repeated.

10. Careful preparation and a professional attitude are paramount.

11. We want everyone who deals with us to feel inspired, connected and motivated.

12. We prioritize effectiveness over results. We do, with quality, what needs to be done with the best possible efficiency.

13. In each deal, we give priority to the quality of customer service and the remuneration of employees and suppliers.

14. We create a different way of being within the industry of real estate and we seek to improve, rather than grow.

15. We Respect for the quality time, health and personal/family/professional balance of each employee takes priority over the workload.

16. We accept and respect the necessary collaboration of any person or agency, even though we may not personally like them.

17. We only have one word and we stand by it. We assume it and fulfill it.

18. We are transparent, clear and direct in communicating information and decisions to anyone. When we don't agree, we confront that someone, not censoring.

19. We give priority to daily motivation.

20. As a team, we act “one for all and all for one”. We help in the deals of those responsible for them and we ask for help in those for which we are responsible.

Serving is the noblest attitude of any company, inside and outside of it. It is through such an agency that LOBA's customers, competitors, suppliers and consultants can feel connected, inspired, motivated and satisfied.

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